Wednesday 8 May 2024

Using rhymes to teach French Phonics!

Enseigner par la comptine! 
Using rhymes as a teaching tool in the French classroom!

Nous nous rappelons certainement des comptines apprises au primaire! Ceci est parce que la comptine s'ancre facilement dans notre mémoire, grâce à sa sonorité.

Super pour développer la mémoire, le vocabulaire, les structures de phrases et la conscience phonologique. Lorsque l'enfant apprend à reconnaître des mots qui riment, ceci l'aide beaucoup à apprendre les sons, ce qui aide énormément avec la lecture et l'écriture!

For years, I used "comptines" in my classroom. I am a super high energy teacher who thrives on student participation so I just loved the chanting! I loved the fact that by the fall, my students already knew several rhymes so when I wanted their attention, I chanted or sang the first line and within seconds, I had the whole class chanting with me. At the end of the "chanting" I had their attention!! I could then give instructions, start a new activity, etc.

However, I found that some of the "comptines"/poems I found had difficult words or sentence structures. I was teaching in a French second language classroom. After all, I wanted to teach sight words and basic sentence structure. I did not want students to chant something they did not understand! I did not want them to chant or read words that they would never use again in their daily writing and reading.

SO, a few summers ago, I was helping my daughter get ready for her first job (grade one teacher!). She knew the passion I had for "comptines in the classroom". Together, we started creating our own comptines, each one with a common sound, each one loaded with sight words and basic structures that students UNDERSTOOD with words that they would be expected to use DAILY while reading and writing.

 Oh...and why not create tons of activities where students would REUSE and REUSE and REUSE these sight words and this common sound so that it would become part of the baggage they would carry with them forever!

And this is how and why I started creating these COMPTINES! Check out some resources from this collection by clicking on the images.

Présentez la comptine le lundi et permettez aux élèves de pratiquer à la réciter toute la semaine. En encourageant les gestes, l'intonation et l'expression, ceci aide beaucoup la fluidité en lecture. 

Les élèves peuvent signer l'affiche lorsqu'ils peuvent réciter la comptine. Je fais un tirage le vendredi et l'élève chanceux amène l'affiche de la comptine à la maison! Quelle motivation :) Ils adorent ceci. 

FYI, most teachers buy one "Comptine" and realize quickly that they just NEED the BUNDLE. Here are some BUNDLE options:

Click on the image below to view the complete collection of 16 resources, each containing an original poem and tons of literacy and even some math activities to help students learn during the whole year! 

Amusez-vous à enseigner par la comptine!

Here is what one teacher said about this resource:
"I hummed a lot about purchasing this product, but it was well worth the money. Very thorough with all the sounds, and as we all know finding engaging French activities and lessons can be tough. All the sounds and fun little comptines to help the students learn are fun, they love them. I catch them repeating them throughout the day. I love the differentiated lessons, very helpful."

Here is a smaller BUNDLE option.

This BUNDLE has 5 resources for "Les sons simples".


  1. Bonjour Mme Rossignol, j'essaie d'accéder votre petit poème J'aime ma planète et comptine pour la journée de la Terre mais je ne peux pas les trouver sut TPT, il apparait dans google et pinterest mais une fois que je pèse sur le lien il m'envoie sur une autre activité. Est-ce que ces documents sont toujours disponibles ou non. Merci de créer ce si bonnes ressources. Lynn

  2. J'ai acheté votre resource de comptines et de sons. Elle est fantastique! Est-ce qu'il y a un air à suivre (ou que vous pouvez suggérer) pour la chanson des 5 lapins du printemps?
